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Season review from Brian Chandler and the BC Car Motorsport team

Here the Lancaster Insurance sponsored BC Car Motorsport team give us an insight into how the 2020 Mazda season was for them.

“Well 2020 turned out to be a strange year at BC Cars Motorsport. Covid 19 changed everything. When we were allowed to get back on track on 1st July, we had to work with our partners, race organisers, mechanics and drivers to get everyone ready and make the most of what would be available to us and we still got some surprises! For 2020 we would end up supporting nine Mazda MX5s across a reduced calendar of four rounds. The plan was Cadwell Park, Anglesey, Silverstone and Brands Hatch.

White convertible cars

Cadwell Park

So on the first weekend in August we turned up at Cadwell Park not knowing what to expect. Over the winter BC Cars had changed their support lorry for an artic unit with space for five cars and team accommodation. It would take us most of Friday to work out how the awning would fit together but luckily it was a beautiful day. As well as many of the regular drivers we would be joined by a new boy, Sam Smith, who had come close to taking the Mk1 Championship in 2018. He had decided to race an Mk3 in the Supercup and at the last minute called to see if we could support him, we had capacity so said yes!

He was blisteringly quick right from the start and qualified in P2 and finished the races in P2 and P1, taking his first Supercup win in the first weekend. We had good performances across the rest of the team and went away thinking the “New Normal” wasn’t that bad!

Anglesey (err Donington)

Covid changed things again and one week before our trip to Anglesey it was scrapped due to the Welsh authorities not allowing a race event to run.  BRSCC scrabbled around and managed to get us onto the grid at Donington at the “Trucks in the Park” race meeting.  MX5s look quite small in comparison to racing trucks but they held their own and provided huge entertainment. Sam would pick up P2, P3 and P4 across the three races which saw the guest appearance of Abbie Eaton (2014 Supercup Champion and test driver for The Grand Tour).  The team had another solid weekend with some good results all round.


A trip to Silverstone is always special and this one would be the same.  The home of British motorsport is an amazing place and you feel privileged to be using the same facilities as F1.  Results were good and P3 and P2 for Sam would mean another strong weekend across the board.

Brands Hatch

Finally we would get to Brands Hatch Indy Circuit on 24th and 25th of October to join in with the Formula Ford Festival.  The problem with racing at this time of year is that the British weather will usually be bad and it was!  The rain made for some exciting racing and lots of incidents.

Sam’s closest championship rival would not make it to the end of Race 1 and take no further part in the proceedings after a heavy accident at Paddock Hill.  Sam went on to finish P1, P4 and P1 in the races and became the 2020 MX5 Supercup champion at first time of asking!

Car garage

So what started out as a strange year ended with success and a Championship under the belt for a BC Cars driver and the BC Cars team. We couldn’t have done it without our team of partners, including Lancaster Insurance, and dedicated mechanics.

As we head for the winter we can only hope that the world changes back to more normality in 2021 and we get to enjoy success again!”

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